
Surrendering is probably the hardest thing I have had to do, and something I am still working on every day. The act of surrendering and leaning into it has brought the most peace for me.

Part of this post was inspired by the book I am currently reading. Letting Go: The Pathway to Surrender by David Hawkins, which has given me more insight and awareness on the concept of surrendering.

Watching the Moroccan team during the World Cup was inspiring because of their ability to surprise their opponents and the unity they demonstrated in their act of surrender.

When we lack a uniting principle in our lives we create so much chaos. I can speak from experience. Without surrendering to a uniting principle I constantly sought conditional things to pursue and seek meaning from.

It starts with acceptance and finding the well of unconditional love that resides within us all. We must open up our hearts and spread joy.

As Rumi said: “Your heart is the size of an ocean, go find yourself in its hidden depths.”

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