5 Session Package
This package allows you a great deal by purchasing 5 sessions at once. This excludes the free initial consult. With 5 sessions in your bag, you can schedule them in advance or as you see fit. We can decide how you want to allocate the sessions, There is no set way and we can be as flexible as you like.
This package allows you a great deal by purchasing 5 sessions at once. This excludes the free initial consult. With 5 sessions in your bag, you can schedule them in advance or as you see fit. We can decide how you want to allocate the sessions, There is no set way and we can be as flexible as you like.
This package allows you a great deal by purchasing 5 sessions at once. This excludes the free initial consult. With 5 sessions in your bag, you can schedule them in advance or as you see fit. We can decide how you want to allocate the sessions, There is no set way and we can be as flexible as you like.